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The new price of the Sugoyose PDF version

The new price of the Sugoyose PDF version

The price of the Sugoyose PDF version will be revised from 6 August

Thank you for your continued support of Sugoyose.

We would like to inform you that the prices of the PDF version of Sugoyose will be revised.
The new prices will take effect from 6 August 2024.

Applicable Products
Sugoyose PDF version

Revision Date
6 August 2024

Revised Prices
The prices will be changed as follows:

Page CountNew Price
Less than 10S$ 5.50(550 yen)
11-20 S$ 11.00(1,100 yen)
21-41S$ 16.50(1,650 yen)
Additional 20 pagesS$ 5.50(550 yen) /per 20pages

If you wish to purchase at the old prices, please do so by 5 August.

We are grateful for your ongoing support and understanding in this matter.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to us from contact form.